Monday, March 15, 2010

It's All About God

What Did Jesus Do?

Jesus Testified:

It is written, “You shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from
the mouth of God”…
Again it is written, You shall not put the Lord
Your God to the test”
…For it is written…“You shall worship the Lord
your God and him only shall you serve.”
Matthew 4.4,7, 10

Contrary to the wisdom of that ever popular wedding reception song, The Hokey-Pokey, it isn’t all about putting you left foot in and out and turning yourself about. I certainly don’t wish to demean athletic competition, but it’s not about Olympic Games, Super Bowls, the World Series, or even March Madness. Please, Hollywood, don’t feel bad, but it’s not about the Oscars either. Neither is it all about being an Eagle Scout, valedictorian, or Summa Cum Laude graduate. And, Mr. Gates and Mr. Trump, it’s not about the money either. In the end, as deflating as it might be for our ego, it isn’t about us at all. What, then, is it all about? God.

Jesus, who certainly had more reason than anybody to make a big deal out of himself and what he did, was the most selfless man who ever lived. Just about everything he did he tried to keep a secret:

And Jesus sternly charged him…”See that you say nothing
to anyone…”
Mark 1.43-44

Rather, Jesus always pointed to God and to the kingdom of God. Jesus wasn’t interested in making a name for himself; of course he had no need to, he already had the name that is above all names. Jesus sought no honors or privileges for himself; he made himself nothing so that in the end the Father would be glorified. (Philippians 2.5-11) And, even when he was assaulted and sorely tempted by Satan, Jesus refused to let the confrontation be about himself, but rather tried to turn even the devil to the truth about God.

When Satan thought Jesus was just about starved to death, so that he would in desperation jump at the chance to change stoned into bread, the Lord told him it wasn’t about what the Son of God could do with his power, but what God does with his Word—give and sustain life. (Matthew 4.4)

When Satan believed that Jesus would not be able to resist an opportunity to demonstrate how much the Father loved him by sending angels to rescue him from a plunge off the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus told the Devil that God’s love was not to be tested, but trusted. (Matthew 4.7)

And finally, when Satan offered the Lord all the glory of all the nations of the world, if Jesus would but worship him, Jesus again demurred, noting that worship is reserved for God alone, glory is to be given to God alone, and all our service, our labor and our loyalty, is to be given to God alone. (Matthew 4.10)

Satan’s trouble was that he wanted everything to be about himself. The Devil thought that if he could get Jesus to perform even one selfish or disloyal act, he could derail the plans of God and begin to dismantle God’s kingdom and topple God from his throne. But Jesus consistently responded by letting Satan know that it is all about God, and not even the Son of God should ever lead anyone to think otherwise.

Sadly, the world and most of the people in it are pretty well convinced that what ever it’s all about, it’s not all about God. That’s why the world makes such a big deal about home runs and touchdowns, earnings records and record earnings, awards and trophies, beauty pageants and “American Idols,” they are all about us.

But Jesus came to show that it is all about God. At every opportunity, Jesus testified. Every deed of power he performed was part of the Lord’s testimony to the Father. Every parable he told, every lesson he taught was part of the Son’s testimony to the glory of the Father.

What will our lives be all about today? Will they be all about making a deal, getting an “A”, hitting a home run? None of these are bad in themselves, but if we fail to testify to God who gets glorified by our accomplishments, whose kingdom is advanced by our labor? Every new day arrives with almost endless opportunities for glorifying and serving God. Will we testify? That’s what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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