Sunday, May 23, 2010

The "Business" of America

With no disrespect to President Calvin Coolidge, the business of America is not business. If we were fundamentally a mercantile people such advice might be fine. But our coins don’t declare “In Investments We Trust” do they? Our pledge of allegiance does not declare us “one nation under the Stock Market” does it? From the beginning the American enterprise has been a spiritual one. Oh, I’ll not deny that there were very definite economic and imperial interests that played a part in the exploration and colonization of the Western Hemisphere.

But, doing the will of God, the God of the Bible, to the glory of God always figured largely in the plans and purposes of the early colonists and at the most critical time, in the plans and purposes of the founders and framers of this nation. Even though many are suffering from unemployment and financial ruin due to the economic implosion of a few years ago, straightening out the economy should not be the country’s top priority. For when the Chief Executive of this land can proclaim with some satisfaction that America is no longer a Christian land, it is evident that we suffer from a bankruptcy of faith far more serious than the loss of even billions of dollars—America is in danger of losing its soul, if in fact it is not already lost.

The Bible enjoins no nation to make of itself a kingdom of millionaires. And nowhere in Scripture will you find instructions to amend economic policies as the way to right a country in the throes of collapse. What the Word of God directs nations to do is to humble themselves and pray, to seek the LORD’s face, turning away from ways of wickedness. Only then does God promise to hear from heaven and, forgiving sin, heal the land.

Well, if you are reading this you have probably heard more than one preacher exhort America to heed the words of 2Chronicles 7.14. Perhaps it is instruction we need to impart to all who would seek public office. Maybe it is time for a 2Chronicles 7.14 Party, rather than a Tea Party. If a candidate does not pledge to follow the injunction of 2Chronicles 7.14, I don’t want her or him representing me locally, at the state level, or in Washington.

And don’t come back with the separation of church and state argument. I am not suggesting we elect pastors to office. But if we don’t start putting believers into positions of government high and low, all we will be able to say about America after a bit more than two hundred years is that it is going out of business.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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