Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jesus Sent People

What Did Jesus Do?

And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority...
These twelve Jesus sent out...
Matthew 10.1,5

I know most of us believe that when we care enough we'll be sure to send a card, right? Of course not! When we really care, we go. Jesus cared for the whole world, and went when He was sent. But even Jesus could not be in more than one place at one time, He did become fully human, after all. Also fully God, Jesus had all authority (See Matthew 28.18). And so He gave that authority to His followers, and sent a card. No, no, no! He gave that authority to His followers and sent them!.

Now the world needs help these days. A LOT of help. And this confronts us with a choice, what do we send the world? Hmmm. We could send a card, that would show the world we cared, right? Or how about this, we could send money! Actually, America has been sending money, quite a lot of money in fact, overseas for many years. But while Foreign Aid and Church Mission dollars have made a difference, the world is not in much better shape today than one hundred or two hundred years ago, is it? I'm not denying progress against disease and hunger and poverty, but people are still sick, still hungry, and still impoverished. What are we to do?

Maybe we should try doing what the Lord did, send people. When the apostles went out, with the authority that Jesus gave them, they did the most amazing things! They proclaimed the message of repentance. They cast out evil spirits. They healed many who were sick. (See Mark 6.12-13) The Church of Jesus Christ has always sent out missionaries into the work, but I wonder what would happen if we were to send people with Jesus' authority into our communities as a regular practice of being the Church today? I bet something good would come of it.

After Jesus had sent out the twelve, things went so well that He appointed another seventy-two, and sent them out too. What do you think happened? The seventy-two came back full of joy for all they accomplished by His authority! ( Luke 10.1, 17)

If we want to make a difference in this hurting world, how then shall we proceed? Send cards, money, people? Of course, it's people who make the difference, people with His authority. And, even accountants will acknowledge there's a value in sending people. Think about it. Let's say a congregation has one hundred members, and every single member goes out each week for one hour to work in the authority of Jesus. Even at minimum wage rates that's $800 a week, over $40,000 a year, of measurable value. And, you know, the value of what those sent people would accomplish for the kingdom of God would be greater, even immeasurable. If every member of every church started going each week to make a difference for an hour, there is no telling what real and lasting change might come. People might be saved, healed! Families, whole communities might be transformed. Why, even a nation might get turned around.

Send believers out in Jesus' authority, yes. This has been done since Jesus sent first sent out the Twelve. But let each of us take the next, and necessary, step, and hear and obey the words of the Great Commissioner and be sent ourselves,

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name (That is, in the authority of) of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28.19-20

Be sent and send. You know what? That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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