Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jesus Calls His Own By Name

What Did Jesus Do?

"He who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.”
John 10.2

It's pretty difficult to call a stranger by name. The less cultured will typically employ a simple, “Hey, you!” The somewhat more mannered will choose something like, “Pardon me, I don't believe we've met. I'm Jim, and you are...?” Some churches today ask everyone, long time members and first time visitors, to all wear nice big name tags. The hope is to keep anyone from feeling like a stranger. It's a nice try, but not really the same as truly knowing and recognizing someone so that name tags are not necessary. Not one disciple ever wore a name tag, yet Jesus knew them all. How? Because they were his own. Jesus has never called a stranger, but only sheep who have belonged to him from before the foundations of the earth were laid. The Father gave his flock to the Son in the immeasurable recesses of eternity past. And all the sheep will be with him through the measureless time of eternity future.

The gatekeeper to the fold (the Holy Spirit?) bars the way into the fold to all but the shepherd. When the shepherd comes the gatekeeper opens the door gladly to admit him, that the shepherd may come into his own and call his sheep (John 10.2). And he calls each one of his own by name (John 10.3). Though it may be the very first time a sheep meets him, his sheep all respond and follow, because they know his voice (John 10.4).

In contrast to the sheep who belong to the shepherd, who hear him call them by name, and who follow the familiar beckoning voice, I can think of nothing more chilling than to be dismissed by the shepherd with the words, “I never knew you; depart from me...” (Matthew 7.23). While it may have been a figure of speech that Jesus was using when talking about the sheep and the shepherd (John 10.6), the truth is that only those who have a personal relationship with him, who are on a first name basis with the Lord, if you will, who will be saved.

And, believe it or not, everyone who truly cries out to the Lord in reality does so in response to him having called them first by name. Oh, we might not hear an audible voice hailing us, but the Holy Spirit enables our spirit to hear and respond to the voice of the shepherd when he calls us. The one sermon I can remember from when I was a child has stuck with me because of the dramatic revelation of the risen Lord when he called one of his own by name. But I'll save that story for Easter.

For now, it is good to know and give thanks that Jesus knows us and calls us to himself by name. Knowing the shepherd as we do, it is also good for us to pray for others who have not yet heard his voice, that they too may hear him call their name and follow.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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