Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jesus Prayed For A Love-in

What Did Jesus Do?

“I made known to them your name…
that the love with which you loved me may be in them…”
John 17.26

Some of my contemporaries would probably tell you that love-ins were invented by hippies in the 60s for the purpose of peacefully meditating and grooving on one another, or, alternatively, as a form of peaceful mass protest. The truth is, love-ins have a much older history. In fact, Jesus prayed for a love-in, so to speak.

But any grooving done by Christ’s followers would not have been on one another, but rather on the Father. For it was the eternal and surpassing love of the Father for the Son that Jesus prayed to be in his disciples. The key to being filled with the Father’s love was to first have Jesus residing in one’s heart. Actually, it is all but impossible to make a distinction between Jesus and the Father’s love, because Christ was the incarnation of God’s agape.

I believe it is of inestimable significance that, on the night before he was crucified, the Lord’s chief concern was that his followers should be filled with love, the Father’s love. Think about it, when Jesus considered what would best serve those who would carry on his ministry, and build his Church, he asked the Father to fill them with love. Jesus could have asked for courage. He could have asked for faith. He could have asked for patience. He could have asked for wisdom. He asked for a love-n.

What does this mean to those who follow Jesus today? Well, I believe it should put petitioning the Father to fill us with his love right at the top of our prayer list. I mean, what better guide and instruction for life and faith and prayer is there? This love, this agape, abides along with faith and hope, and is the greatest of the three (see 1Corinthians 13.13). There is absolutely nothing more powerful in the entire Cosmos. Nothing. Take all the energy and power of all the billions of stars in the sky, and it is nothing when we compare it to the power of God’s agape love.

By the power of his love the Father created all things. By his the power of his love the Father redeemed all who will be saved. By the power of his love the Father is sustaining the universe until the day of the Lord’s return. Think the world is in bad shape? Try imagining what it would be like if the love of God departed and the earth was left on its own. Why, it would be, if you’ll permit, hell.

Well, having said that Christians should make asking the Father to fill us with his love our top prayer request, I want to say that I am convinced this petition remains a priority for the Son, even as he has returned to the Father’s side. That’s right, Jesus still prays love-in to all who call upon the Father in his name.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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