Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jesus Glorified His Father Through Fruitfulness (And so should we)

What Did Jesus Do?

“By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit
and prove to be my disciples.”
John 15:8

While new wineskins may be the vessel of choice to receive new wine (Luke 5:37-38), the fact is, if even new wineskins are merely filled and filled and never pour out, they will burst as surely as old wineskins. To receive and be filled, even something as good as the Gospel, and to keep on receiving, even God’s best, and simply gorge ourselves while never emptying, never giving away, never passing on the blessings we have been given, is not the way of discipleship. All that happens when get stuffed full and hold on to even what is good for us is that we get fat, and where’s the glory in that? To Follow Jesus is to strive to be fruitful, for the plain truth is, Jesus glorified his Father through fruitfulness, and so should we.

Think about it. Can any of us say that we have received anything good from God because we deserved it, earned it, merited it in any way? Be honest now. Yes, God loves us, and freely chose us in Christ to be the recipients of his grace and mercy. Why? For his glory and his praise. And, how is God glorified through us in Christ? By our bearing fruit, not by our getting fat on the good things he gives us. Now, if you have found your ears tickled by the proclamation of so-called “prosperity theology,” it’s time to grab some earplugs! Not that God does not want to bless us, to highly favor us, and to position us to prosper. But kingdom blessing, favor, and prosperity have to do with so much more than material things. And, should it be the Father’s pleasure for us to know material blessing, we can be sure it is never solely for our personal, selfish, joy and enrichment, but rather than we should take it, sow it, and sustain it unto fruitfulness in the lives of others to the end that God receives ever and increasing glory.

Consider the life of Jesus. Did he leave the humble home of Joseph and Mary where he was raised to go occupy a palace in Jerusalem, or to go about sowing see which would bear fruit for the kingdom? (Luke 9:58) Did the Lord ever betray any sign of desire for power and wealth for himself, or did he turn down any and all such offers of material reward, and seek only the riches of the kingdom and the glory of his Father? (Recall his temptation in the wilderness; Luke 4:5-7) Did Jesus, though he knew equality with God from eternity past, grasp tightly his divinity, or was he perfectly willing to make himself nothing, humbly obeying unto death the will of his Father, that, ultimately, the Father would receive all glory when every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord? (Philippians 2:5-11)

All that has been sown in us, the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, fellowship in, with, and through the Holy Spirit, has been sown so that we should be fruitful, not fat. Far be it that we ever think much of ourselves, or desire that others would esteem and envy us, but rather that Christ be all, and that all we have and all we are be for Christ, to the glory of the Father, as the Son bears fruit, even much fruit, through us.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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