Monday, January 11, 2021

Solvitur Enim Iesu

 And stepping into the breach in this time of crisis in the nation is?

What is the plural form of DIY? I guess it must be DIO?(Do it Ourselves!)

Hard to argue that there aren't a LOT of problems facing the country at this time.  How to we grapple with them?  DIO! We'll do it ourselves.  But...

We can't fix our problems by voting.

We Can't fix our problems by legislating.

We can't fix our problems by court decisions.

We can't fix our problems by medical research.

We can't even fix our problems by joining hands and tearfully singing Kumbaya.

We can't fix our problems by, well by anything we do ourselves.

In short WE can't fix our problems individually or as a nation because our problem is US, that is "We, the people of these United States." The problem isn't "you" or "me."  "They" aren't the source of our troubles either. No, the problem is US.(Something recognized long ago by that sage opossum Pogo)

We're heard and are going to hear all kinds of prescriptions to fix things in this land. And we'll anxiously look forward to things improving quickly when the various prescriptions are applied.  But, not to be negative, I am confident that no matter how much time, money, and effort we put into fixing our mess we will find things will not measurably improve and may well get worse.

Now, this may sound hopeless, but in fact I am filled with hope, and even joy at this time. Huh? That was a pretty bleak picture I  just painted wasn't it?  Yet I am hopeful and joy filled. How is this possible?  Because there is a sure fired solution to our problems, ALL our problems.  In fact it's the only cure for what troubles us (And remember, WE are the problem).  What is the solution?

Solvitur enim Iesu.

"It is solved by Jesus."

Whether we are talking public health (What's to be done about the coronavirus?) or personal health (What's to be done about the cancer wracking my body?), the national economy (How do we help businesses stay afloat?) or our personal financial situation (Where can I find a job?), international relations (What do we do with nations like Iran and North Korea?) or personal relationships (How do we reconcile with parents, spouse, children we've been estranged from for a long time?), the only genuine lasting solution to our problems is Jesus.  This is so because Jesus transforms, not circumstances or situations, but US!  And when we are fundamentally changed, most of all in our looking to and relying upon God for what we need, problems don't vanish but our ability to endure and overcome whatever challenges confront us personally or nationally increases beyond measure.

Solvitur enim Iesu.

2Chronicles 7.14  says, "If my people who are called by my name (today that would be the Church, the body of Christ, Christians), humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

There is no way for this nation to disenthrall itself from our current troubles apart from humbly, penitently, prayerfully seeking God, and this must begin with those who are called by His name, the Church, calling upon that name, the name that is above all names, the name of Jesus.

This is not Jesus the vending machine. Deposit enough prayer to get what we want from Jesus.

This is not Jesus the genie. Our wishes, even our prayerful wishes, are not his command.

This is not Jesus the 21st Century helper, reshaped by modern culture and ethics to conform with what we is pronounce good and right and true.

The Jesus who solves all our problems and who transforms us is the Jesus of Scripture and of history (After all history is HIS story). The Jesus not of imagination but of eternal reality and unchanging truth.

If the news today is troubling, whether headlines about the latest upheavals in Washington DC or a devastating personal conversation, letter, or phone call, there's just one and only one answer.

Solvitur enim Iesu.

Christ IS All! 

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