Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jesus Kept God's Promises

What Did Jesus Do?

“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,
according to your word.”
Luke 2.29

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me!” Remember that playground retort to name-calling? Of course, even as we said it, we knew it wasn't true, the taunting words of classmates did hurt us, or we wouldn't have needed to say anything. Mean spirited words are hurtful, no doubt about it, but there are words which, I believe, are even more destructive. Think about the following.

Your boss promises you a promotion, then gives it to someone else. Tell me that doesn't hurt. Mom or dad promise you that they'll take you to the movies on Saturday, but when Saturday comes, they're “too busy.” Ouch! A candidate for office promises, “No new taxes,” but when elected signs a bill loading a bunch more of taxes on your back. THAT's painful! Your spouse, who made vows of life-long fidelity on the day you were married breaks them. Feel betrayed? I'm not sure that there are any words that hurt worse than words of a broken promise. And, they are costly words too. Consider, if “A man (woman) is as good as his (her) word,” what can we say about someone whose “word” is worthless?

I cannot write these thoughts without confessing that I have broken a promise or two...alright, more than a couple! There is nothing I am more ashamed of than promises I've broken. But, be honest, have you always kept every promise you've ever made? If you have, congratulations, for you are in rare company! Oaths, promises, and vows should never be uttered without much thought, for the cost in breaking them is steep, more than we can pay. I believe that is why Jesus cautioned that it is better not to take an oath at all (See Matthew 5.33-37).

Speaking of Jesus, and you knew I would sooner or later, he is THE Promise Keeper when can all trust (With no disrespect to Coach McCartney). In fact, I might suggest that the only promises we really should ever rely on 100% are the promise made by the Father and fulfilled by the Son. We could be here a long time if I were to try and enumerate all the promises of God that are fulfilled in Christ, so let me just take one example that seems particularly appropriate at this time of year when we remember and celebrate the Savior's birth.

You see, for us Christ's birth is something we look back upon with great joy and thanksgiving to God. But there was a time when the coming of the Christ was looked forward to with an anticipation and longing hard for us to imagine. Luke tells about Simeon, who had awaited the coming of the Messiah his whole long life. Through all his years Simeon clung to a promise God had made to him—he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ (Luke 2.26). When Joseph and Mary brought their newborn son to the Temple to dedicate him Simeon immediately recognized in the child the very fulfillment of God's promise to him—his eyes beheld the salvation of God! And Simeon burst into a spontaneous song of praise, for God graciously granted the faithful old man to “depart in peace.”

If you will, the sum of all the Father's promises to his people add up to this—the Son was born to die in great affliction, that all we should, like Simeon, depart this life in perfect peace, knowing that in and through Christ we shall yet live forever in God's eternal kingdom of glory. These words, the Father's promises fulfilled in Christ Jesus the Son, don't hurt, they heal all hurts. Christmas this side of the cross should inspire the voices of millions of “Simeons” to bless the Father for the salvation he has revealed to us in the Son, who kept all the Father's promises.


Marion, NC

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