Friday, December 24, 2010

Jesus Received Gifts

What Did Jesus Do?

Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts...
Matthew 2.11

Christmas is all about gifting, isn't it? I mean, how would the wise men have felt if they had arrived in Bethlehem empty handed, pretty embarrassed to say the least. I wonder, how did they choose what gifts to bring? All of us have wrestled at one time another with the ages old question, “What do you get the man (Or woman, or, in this case, the child) who has everything?” The fact is, Jesus truly does have everything! (See Colossians 1.16) I suppose the gifts the wise men chose to bring were ones they truly believed any king would appreciate, but then this was a king like no other.

While I am sure that Joseph and Mary appreciated the treasures given to their new-born son, I suspect that Jesus would have elected a different gift. When everything has been created through you and for you, well, there can't be to much on your “Christmas list.” Please don't think me silly for thinking about this, because, well, it is Christmas, and (hopefully) many will be going to church today or tomorrow or Sunday, and we don't want to go empty handed anymore than the wise men did. And, I am sure, most of us would like to bring the right gift to Jesus. But, again, what would the Lord of all truly desire from us?

I think there has only ever been one thing Jesus has ever wanted from us. Can you guess? It's us! Jesus, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, doesn't need clothes, or food, or CDs or DVDs, but, he truly desires our lives and souls. Clothes, come on, Jesus is clothed in the finest raiment. As for food, well the Lord himself said that his food is to do the will of the Father (John 4.34). And, as far as entertainment goes, Jesus has an eternal front row seat for the never ending performance of the host of heaven, do we really thing he needs a CD?

Our lives, however, are something that the Lord has a real use for. With our lives Jesus can glorify the Father. With our lives the Lord can build his Kingdom. With our lives Christ can send the Good News to the ends of the earth. You know, there is a value that can be attached to all treasures. We could figure out just how much the gold, frankincense, and myrrh of the wise men was worth in the day, and in 2010 dollars. Clothing, food, and electronic goodies all come with a price tag on them. But a life, why, I am sure that Jesus would tell us that each one of us is priceless.

While many of us can't afford to go out and buy expensive clothes, or rich foods, or the latest CDs and DVDs as gifts, each of us has a life to spend. Christmas is the prefect time to ask ourselves what or who we will spend our life on. I guarantee, Jesus will be thrilled with the gift of us! And, even if we don't make it to church the next couple of days, there is nothing stopping any of us from saying to Jesus right now, “Lord, from the tips of my toes to the hair on my head; from my skin to the deepest part of my heart; for today, tomorrow, and forever—I'm yours” Imagine, with those simple words we can give Jesus the gift beyond measure, the one thing he wants more than anything in all of creation.

Christmas is all about gifting. On the first Christmas Jesus received gifts. What would Jesus like to do this Christmas? Receive the gift of us.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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