Monday, February 14, 2011

Jesus Received A Name (So He Didn't Need to Make a Name for Himself!)

What Did Jesus Do?

...God bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
Philippians 2.9

Unlike most people, Jesus never felt any need to make a name for himself. In fact, one of the things Christ is most noted for is how he made himself nothing (Philippians 2.7) Can you imagine anyone today intentionally setting out to humble themselves, to willingly surrender any and all privileges and rights, and, though they were Lord of all, become the servant of all? Unimaginable. In a world that teaches people they need to look out for #1, what kind of fool would make it his goal to look after everyone but himself? But, when you've been given a name, the name in fact, that is above every name, you don't need to be at all concerned about making a name for yourself.

Here's the thing, believers have been given the same name, or hadn't you noticed that believers are called Christians? It's true. Beyond all reasoning, the Father looks upon us, unworthy sons and daughters that we are, and sees the Son. Incredible! So, why is it that most of us, and I definitely, though ashamedly, count myself in the herd, why is it that most of us spend so much of our energy on making a name for ourselves, on building and polishing our reputation? I know I have said that there is really no such thing as a “Lone Ranger” Christian, but it would be good if we all would simply do the right thing and then, with a hardy “Hi-ho Silver” rode off into the sunset before anyone had a chance to find out our name or thank us.

The thing is, making a name for ourselves is really stealing credit that we definitely do not deserve. Think about it, on our own all we can do is make a mess. Isaiah nailed it when he declared that our righteousness amounts to nothing more than a filthy, stinking garment of rags (Isaiah 64.6). All the credit, all the praise, belongs to the One upon whom the Father bestowed the name. In other words, it is all about Jesus, not us.

Given that so many Christians are into making a name for themselves, it should come as no surprise, although it is deeply disturbing and disappointing, that a lot of churches are pursuing making a name for themselves these days. In fact, I believe one of the reasons that there are so many different denominations and sects, to say nothing of cults, is because congregations, and larger ecclesiastical bodies, are more concerned in making a name for themselves than they are with exalting the name of Jesus.

If lifting up the name of Christ was job 1, and humbling ourselves, individually and corporately, was something the Church actually practiced, I believe we might see the Body of Christ, which we've drawn and quartered, come together as one. Wouldn't that be something! Sadly, the name of Jesus just doesn't seem to be enough for most Christians and for many of churches. So we misspend so much time and effort on name building for ourselves, and, in an effort to help ourselves feel better about our name, in calling others names. Ugh.

Maybe we need to remember how Jesus was given the name above every name by becoming the humble servant who was willing to die for us. Maybe we need to recall who and what we become when we die to self and are reborn in Christ. Maybe we need to remind ourselves that, being reborn, we have received a new name, and have no need to strive to make a name for ourselves. Maybe, instead of trying to make something of ourselves, we need to make ourselves nothing. That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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