Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jesus Started Where the People Were

What Did Jesus Do?

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;
repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1.15

Have you ever had stranger thoughts go through your mind when you're lying in bed at 4 A.M.? We've all heard the impossible to answer question, “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” This morning this popped into my head, “If we preach, and no no one hears, is the gospel proclaimed?” Is the business of proclaiming the kingdom accomplished when the Word is spoken to all but empty pews? If faith comes by hearing (see Romans 10.17), and no one hears, where will faith arise from?

Here's the thing, and this is a very brief WDJD because I am about to run out the door, but Jesus didn't sit and with for people to come to him. The Lord got up and “came into Galilee” (Mark 1.14) and brought the proclamation of the kingdom to where the people were.

I used to pastor a church that predated the American Revolution. The community had literally grown up around the church. But, when I suggested the church needed to be more intentional about getting out and bringing the gospel to people, the response was, “They know where we are, we've been here forever. We don't need to go, we just need to wait.” I've moved on from that church to accept another call years ago, but the last time I checked with a friend who still attends, they're still waiting, and the people of that community still aren't hearing. So, I have to ask, is the gospel being proclaimed.

Before anyone complains that I'm being unfair, I will admit that I often wonder as I write these WDJDs, “If no one reads them, am I proclaiming the gospel, or just talking to myself?” I realize that there is a small audience who sees the emails, but there are literally hundreds of folks within a mile of where I now sit, most of whom are not hearing the gospel from anyone. I could go knocking on doors I suppose, but I would probably be suspected as a “revenuer” and get shot.

Seriously, don't all of us have a responsibility to do what we can to see that the gospel has an audience, at home, at work, in school, in the neighborhood? I'm not sure of the best way to do it, but I believe we have to start where the people are. That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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