Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jesus Loved Even His Denier

What Did Jesus Do?

“Will you lay down your life for me?”
John 13.38

The answer to the question Jesus put to Peter was, of course, “Yes!” And Jesus knew it was so. It would, however, take some time, for Peter to live up to his promise, “I will lay down my life for you.” (John 13.37) Nonetheless, I have not doubt that Peter meant what he said. And, though he knew that Peter would, as we used to say in the 'hood, “punk out,” I don't believe that Jesus ever doubted Peter's faith. After all, the Lord had given Peter the “keys to the kingdom;” I'm pretty sure that Jesus trusted the man he had proclaimed “the Rock” upon which he would build his church (Matthew 16.18).

If I were in Jesus' place, I'm not sure I would have been able to place much confidence in Peter. I mean, his track record was one of big-mouthed boasting, followed by foot-in-mouth falling over and over again. I think I might have started grooming James, or maybe John, to become COO instead of Peter. How was Jesus able to remain so committed to Peter, whose own commitment was about to be tested, and come up monumentally short (Let's face it, we're still talking about Peter's denying the Lord two thousand years later!)? I am convinced that the reason Jesus remained loyal to the one who would momentarily act in a most disloyal way towards him was because Jesus loved even his denier.

We have already considered the amazing love of the Lord for even his betrayer (see WDJD for 5/17/11), now we see the love of Jesus for one who truly loved him (see John 21.15-19), but who nevertheless would suffer from a lack of courage at a critical time. But Jesus knew his man, better than the man knew himself. Jesus knew that Peter would not, could not, follow him to the cross right then and there. The Lord also knew that the day would come when Peter would follow (John 13.36), and in a most reverent and humble manner insist on being crucified upside down because he was not worthy to die in the same manner as his Lord. Yes, Jesus knew Peter, and he loved him, though Peter would deny him, and vehemently so, before the cock crowed three times.

I have a confession to make—I'm a denier and “disassociator.” There are friends, co-workers, even an entire denomination I once belonged to, that I have now distanced myself from. It's a troubling thing to admit, because if I have not been faithful to friends, co-workers, and an entire denomination in “little things,” I fear I may, like Peter, come up short when my loyalty to the Lord is on the line. In fact, my life, like Peter's, has plenty of big-mouth boasting in the Lord followed by foot-in-mouth failing Him. Thankfully, Jesus loves even his deniers.

Again, the challenge confronting me (us) is to live, and more importantly love, as He did. Which is to say that, even as I strive to be less of a denier myself, I also need to be more loving to those who “deny” me, who turn and fall away from me when I need their support most. Face it, we've all been let down by “fair weather” friends. And, most all of us have been “fair weather” friends, who have at one time or another deserted a buddy at crunch time. But true friendship remains constant for the long-haul, surviving even the disappointment of denial, to love even to the end. That's what Jesus did.


Marion NC
PS 37.4

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