Monday, May 16, 2011

Jesus Set An Example

What Did Jesus Do?

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also ought to wash one another's feet.”
John 13.14

Back when I first started writing these “What Did Jesus Do?” pieces I explained how I had become dissatisfied, even troubled with the very popular “WWJD” (What would Jesus do?) question. Here, in Chapter 14 of John's Gospel, the Lord himself makes it quite clear that he meant for his disciples, and us (That is, if we too are his disciples), to do what he did. No where is there any suggestion that Jesus wants anyone to speculate about what the Lord might do if he were in our shoes. Rather, we are to walk through life as though we were in Jesus' sandals, so to speak. Jesus set an example, and he means for us to follow it.

Jesus came as a servant (see WDJD for 5/16/11), but he clearly was and is the Master. For good reason his disciples called him “Lord”—he is ruler of all. Yet, the example Jesus set for his disciples to follow is that of servanthood. The world, particularly the Gentile world, was very familiar with a leadership model wherein rulers “lorded it over” their subjects. But Christ was emphatic to say that among his followers leaders would be servants of all, and those who held first rank in his kingdom would be the slaves of all. And the precedent for this whole new way of leading by serving was set by the Lord himself (See Matthew 20.25-28).

This is one reason why I am spending so much time asking the question, “What did Jesus do?” The Lord expects, no, commands, that we are to take careful note of how he lived, what he said and what he did, and do likewise. If he washed feet, so should we. If he fed the hungry, we also need to give them something to eat. If Jesus healed those suffering from affliction or infirmity, then we also are to minister to the broken and the sick. If Christ comforted those who mourned, and lifted up those who were in despair, we better do as he did. If the Lord championed the cause of the oppressed, and liberated those in bondage, our course should be to do the same. If there was no task so low and mean that Jesus refused to do it, then we ought to volunteer for the “dirty jobs,” and not require television cameras to record our service (No offense to Mike Rowe).

And there is a wonderful bonus, if you will, to knowing what Jesus did, and then going and following his example—blessing! (John 13.17) I don't know what more incentive anyone could need besides the Lord's own promise that he will bless the ones who follow his example and do what he did. Even so, every disciple who knows and does what Jesus did, becomes an example for others to follow (see 1Corinthians 11.1).

There is no need for us to speculate about how we should live. If we are Christians all we need to do is look to Jesus, who set an example, and do what he did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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