Monday, January 9, 2012

Jesus Caused BIG Things to Happen When Those Who Believed Even a Little Cried Out

What Did Jesus Do?

“All things are possible for one who believes.”
Mark 9:23

Unless you are at least as ancient as I am, or you are a devoted Frank Sinatra fan, it is likely you have never heard of the song “High Hopes.”

While it is a secular song from a Hollywood movie, it teaches a lesson about faith. Without going into details, I’ll just say that it illustrates how hope (faith) can accomplish some mighty difficult tasks, and overcome some seemingly impossible obstacles. When Jesus causes those who believe, who have faith, to cry out, some pretty amazing things have happened.

Take the time the blind son of Timaeus heard that Jesus was passing by him as he sat begging for alms at the side of the road. Bartimaeus cried out! And, you know what happened, don’t you? Bartimaeus asked the Lord to restore his sight, and the Lord did! (Mark 10:46-52) How about when Peter, out for a stroll on the Sea of Galilee, suffered a real “sinking” feeling, and cried out to Jesus? Jesus helped the apostle, who was notorious for leaping before looking, to leap back into the boat. (Matthew 14:28-33) Of course, you may recall that, though Peter believed, his doubting just about ended up dunking him. Still, good things happen when Jesus causes those who believe to cry out.

My favorite illustration of this, because the father’s belief was so much like mine is, encumbered and imperfect, is found in the Ninth Chapter of Mark. One day there was a big commotion going on, and the Lord’s disciples were right in the middle of it. It seems that a man had come and sought out Christ’s followers hoping they might be able to do something to help his son, who was terribly afflicted. Alas, the disciples had been unable to do anything, except become embroiled in a public shouting match with some scribes. Though it had been faith which had led the man to come and seek the Lord in the first place, the father spoke out of his very real doubt when he responded to the questioning of Jesus by saying that he hoped Jesus might help his son, “if he could.” That Jesus replied with some mild indignation, “If I can! ALL things are possible for one who believes.” may seem somewhat out of character for the Lord, but it moved the man to cry out, “I believe!” I have to say that this father was more honest about his faith than most of us, for he immediately added, “Help my unbelief!” The end result was that the boy was set free, and the father, we may assume, went away with at least a little more belief and a little less unbelief than he came with. (Mark 9:14-29)

Do you know what unbelievers cry out when they encounter Jesus? Nothing, for they have no faith at all. And, like the disbelieving neighbors of Jesus in Nazareth, the Lord can do nothing for them. (Mark 6:1-6) But, when we cry out to Jesus, even with our pitiful little and imperfect faith, why, mountains can be moved. (Matthew 17:20-21) All this should encourage those of us who have a habit of chastising ourselves for our little faith. It turns out that the works of the Father are more about magnifying the person and power of the Son, than they are about our faith. Don’t get me wrong, faith is absolutely essential, and it is important for us to seek to grow in faith. But let us not get ourselves discouraged, or let the world discourage us, because Jesus causes big things to happen when those who believe, even a little, cry out.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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