Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jesus Supplied the Evidence for Faith's Witnesses

What Did Jesus Do?

Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself.
1 John 5:10

We have observed that victory comes via the “winning play” Jesus designed for us—our faith (1 John 5:4; see WDJD for 1/13/12)—without faith that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 5:5), our defeat is certain. But what of faith? What can make our faith so certain and secure that victory is assured? John knew that his little children (the Church) would be wondering, so he went ahead and told them/us the key to faith—evidence. If anyone should ever try to dismiss us by saying our faith is a dream, an unsubstantiated hope, we can come back by declaring that our faith has a firm foundation, that we have the testimony of witnesses, which supports our belief in Jesus as God’s Son and our Savior. And Jesus supplied the evidence for faith’s witnesses.

John tells us that there are three witnesses who testify to the person and work of Jesus Christ: the water, the blood, and the Spirit (1 John 5:7-8). Water alludes to Christ’s baptism in the Jordan, a baptism like ours. Jesus came by water in that his public ministry commenced after the Lord came through the water of baptism. Jesus came by water, yes, but he also came by blood—the blood of the cross. The identity and work of Jesus were revealed and commenced in the water of his baptism. The completion and fulfillment of his ministry came by the blood Christ shed on the cross. We must appreciate and understand the importance of both the Lord’s baptism and his death if we are to have the faith whereby victory is achieved. But the witness of the water and the blood by which Jesus came are not of themselves sufficient unto victorious faith, we also need the third witness, the witness of the Spirit. It is the function, the work, the mission of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who is truth, to testify to the truth in and of Jesus Christ. The Lord himself promised us as much of the Spirit (John 15:26-27), guaranteeing as well that the Spirit would take us and guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The three-fold witness of the water, the blood, and the Spirit together gives us so firm a foundation of truth for our faith as to make it certain and unshakable.

John, along with the other apostles, could bear witness based on their having heard, seen, and touched the word of life, manifest in Jesus. Yet, John conceded that the apostolic witness, and the witness of all men, is eclipsed by a greater testimony. It is the testimony of God, for it was the Father himself who testified that Jesus was his beloved Son when Jesus was baptized (Mark 1:11), that far surpasses any and all other testimony (1 John 5:9).

There is a fourth witness, which is also essential to faith. This testimony is internal, is it in everyone who believes in the Son of God (1 John 5:10). The best thing about the testimony that inhabits every believer is that by it we have God’s gift of eternal life (1 John 5:11). Nothing could be more compelling and stark than the utter contrast between those who have the testimony of the Son in them and those who do not, for it is this testimony alone which separates from death to life, and that life forever, in and through Jesus Christ (1 John 5:12).

The water of his baptism, the blood he shed on the cross, the testimony of the Spirit to us, and in us, this is the evidence Jesus supplies that witnesses unto faith, faith that give us life, now and forever. Whenever anyone asks us about our faith this is the testimony we must give them.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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