Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jesus Birded

What Did Jesus Do?

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
Matthew 10.29

As I sit here writing, I listen out the window to the joyful music in the trees outside, where the birds are celebrating spring, and the dawning of a beautiful morning. I have also had the pleasure to sit in a garden on the shore of Galilee and watch the sun rise to the accompaniment of the same bird songs that I am sure Jesus was familiar with. Being in the habit of rising early and removing to a lonely place the Lord had to have listened to the music in the trees around Him. The songs the birds sang, and sing still, were nothing more nor less than the music they had been given to sing by their Creator, of course He would have delighted to listen to their music—they sang for His pleasure and to His glory!

We know for sure that Jesus paid attention to the birds. He contrasted how they had nests to go home to at the end of the day, but He had nowhere to lay His head. (Matthew 8.20) Jesus noted that birds were not farmers, they neither sowed nor reaped a crop, yet His Father made sure to provide food for them. (Matthew 6.26) And the Lord clearly understood that in the world’s economy sparrows came pretty cheap, they were all but insignificant, but the life of every one of them was marked and noted by the Father, and not one fell but that it was part of the Father’s will. A delightful spiritual song assures us that since “His eye is on the sparrow” we can know that He is watching us. Jesus paid attention to all that was going on in His world. And He would have been just as aware of and concerned for the birds as His Father.

Jesus knew the habits of birds, who might not have sown, but did not hesitate to gobble up seed carelessly scattered on paths. (Matthew 13.4) The Lord paid attention to barnyard birds as well as those out in the wild. Jesus had noted well the care and protection a hen provided for her chicks; it so impressed Him that He used the image to describe His feelings towards His people,

How often I would have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!
Matthew 23.37

Just as fishermen feel a special connection with Jesus, the caller of fishermen, I believe those of us who watch and delight in our feathered neighbors share much the same enjoyment Jesus might have experienced. But, as much as I believe that Jesus paid attention to and cared about birds, I know He valued us so much more. The Lord went to the cross and stretched his “wings” wide so that His unwilling “brood” would yet be under His gracious protection, and He willingly surrendered His life, He “fell” to the ground if you will, so that we might rise as on eagles’ wings, even unto heaven.

Birds are still pretty insignificant to most people, expect perhaps for the birds down at KFC. They hop about all but unnoticed; they sing on yet go largely unheard. Yet, if we would watch them, as I believe the Lord did, we too might take lessons about the Father and His kingdom from them that we can share. That’s what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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