Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jesus "Handiworked"

What Did Jesus Do?

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1.16

The sky proclaims the handiwork of God (Psalm 19.1), and all things were made by Jesus, the Son of God, and I believe it is fair to say then, that Christ can be understood to be the hands of the Father, for by Him did the Father create all things. It was Jesus who did all the handiwork of His Father.

Whatever the Father desired to be made, Jesus made it. Whatever was broken and need to be fixed, Jesus fixed it. Whatever needed care and maintenance, Jesus cared for and maintained it. While the world hardly esteems them, I think handymen should consider that they pursue a lofty, not to say divine, profession. Where would we all be if Jesus wasn’t so handy?

Consider the hands of Jesus: hands that created and comforted, hands that healed and helped, hands that perfected and protected; hands of a craftsman, a workman, a handyman. And, as any workman can tell you, you can’t work with your hands for long without acquiring some scars. And so the hands of Jesus were pierced when He accomplished the greatest work of the Father on the cross.

Perhaps you have heard it said that we (The Church) are God’s hands in the world today? This is to suggest that the Father is still working, and that He still uses sons, and daughters, to accomplish His will. Even though Jesus completed all the work the Father had given unto Him, the work of building, extending, and filling the kingdom of God has continued for two millennia now. And it will continue until the Father sends the Son again to bring all things, even the work of the kingdom, to an end. Until then, we need to be busy with our heavenly Father’s handiwork. That’s what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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