Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jesus Didn't Share

What Didn’t Jesus Do?

Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. So, if you seek me, let these men go.”
John 18.8

I know it sounds like we have changed our tune here, have stated earlier that Jesus did share, and shared fully. (See WDJD 3/4/10; 3/20/10; 3/29/10) But clearly, when Judas led a band of soldiers and officers from chief priests and Pharisees to arrest Jesus, the Lord was determined that no one else would share in what lay ahead of him.

Of course, Jesus had promised his Father that he would not let any harm come to any of his disciples:

“Of those whom you gave me I have not lost one.”
John 18.9; see 17.12

The thing is, Jesus was more than a teacher, and his followers were more than disciples. Jesus was the Shepherd, the Good Shepherd (John 10.11), and he would protect the flock of his followers to the end, being totally committed and prepared to lay down his life for his sheep. The Son had so been charged by the Father (John 10.18), and he was not about to fail to fulfill all that the Father had given him to perform.

Though Jesus had made it quite plain that if any would follow him they must be prepared to take up their own cross (Mark 8.34; Matthew 16.24; Luke 9.23), his cross the Lord had to bear and suffer alone. For the Shepherd was also the spotless Lamb of God, the only one whose precious and righteous blood could atone for our sins. It would be his perfect and acceptable sacrifice that would redeem lost sinners, a price none others could pay.

Men and women who serve in the armed forces, in fire departments, and on police forces aside, it is often difficult these days, whether we are considering parents, pastors, presidents, or pretty much anyone else, to find someone who is committed and willing to go to “the cross” alone, that is to sacrifice for the sake of others, and refusing to let another share in the suffering. Thanks be to God, that’s what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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