Friday, August 27, 2010

Jesus Buried Treasure

What Did Jesus Do?

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field...
Matthew 13.44

Indiana Jones was always hunting for “fortune and glory.” Intrepid explorers sailed West to find the riches of the East. Pirates and others killed in order to get their hands on maps where, against all odds, X did mark the spot where chests full of doubloons were waiting to be dug up. Today, speculators are investing in hopes of making a “killing” in the market. There are not many people who aren't at least a little bit tempted by wealth, and willing to search and take considerable risks to find it. Would you believe that immeasurable riches await those who discover that Jesus buried treasure? I'm not at all suggesting that one's bank account will swell, that you will soon own 2-3 homes, or even that you'll have a luxurious and idle retirement. But for those who are willing to surrender all the world offers in exchange for what Christ promises, well, there are riches indeed.

Galilean fishermen gave up everything to follow Jesus, and they received the kingdom. Tax collectors walked away from their profitable, albeit dishonest, lifestyles, and an imperishable inheritance was set aside for them. A leader of a synagogue traded all for the treasure of believing in Jesus and received his darling little girl back from the dead. A Roman Centurion discovered the riches of bowing before the Lord and was given back his beloved servant who had been near death. A thief about to die on a cross forsook his wicked ways to seek forgiveness from Jesus, and that very day entered paradise. Hunting for treasure? Pursuing wealth? Wanting riches? Believe me, you need what Jesus alone can give.

Now, you may challenge the suggestion that Jesus hid or buried anything, but ask yourself, did the apostles receive all Jesus had to offer right away, or was there much about Him and the kingdom that took some digging, some persistence, some perseverance in faith, to uncover? For that matter, were not and are not the treasures of the kingdom hidden from those who “hear but never understand” and “see but never perceive” (Matthew 13.14)? I would suggest that the parables of Jesus are in fact hidden treasures, uncovered for believers by the action of the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel is certainly a treasure to receive here and now, but it is also something of a treasure map that leads those who follow it for a lifetime to the greatest riches of all, eternal life and the glory unending joy of worshiping God forever. Those who seek after the treasures of this world discover that they all rust and fade away. Imperishable riches are to be found by following the Lord, who said, “I am the way...” (John 14.6). That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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