Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jesus Lamented

What Did Jesus Do?

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem...How often would I have gathered
your children together as hen gathers her brood under her wings,
and you would not!
Matthew 23.37

How do you handle rejection? Do you get upset or angry? Or do you get depressed, even weepy? We all have to deal with rejection at some time. A rebuffed prom invitation. A manuscript turned down by a publisher. Not being hired after a job interview. We've all been there. Even Jesus. In fact, I think it is safe to say that the Lord is the most rejected man who ever lived. At the very moment when His life itself was seemingly in the balance a crowd rejected Him and chose Barabbas. (I say “seemingly” because it was the Father who held the Son's life in his hands, the crowd only operated within the context of God's sovereign will.) Tragically millions still turn their backs on Him every day. How did Jesus deal with rejection? Jesus Lamented.

Take the communities of Chorazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum. These three communities were singled out by the Lord because as a whole they rejected the Gospel call to repent and believe. For all the souls thus doomed Jesus lamented. (Luke 10.13-16) Even in His hometown of Nazareth Jesus had to shake His head at the disbelief which rejected His teaching and denied His power. (Mark 6.1-6) Jesus lamented.

Of course, the choice to receive or to reject Christ comes down to the individual. And each rejection weighed heavy on the Lord's heart. For example, there was the rich young ruler who turned and walked away from Jesus, causing the Lord to look upon the retreating soul with great sadness. (Luke 18.18-24) Jesus lamented.

Perhaps Christ's most moving lamentation was uttered for all our sakes from the cross, “Father, forgive them...” (Luke 23.34) His heart breaking, the weight of sorrow for perishing humanity crushing the life out of Him, the Lord could not help by cry out for the lost. Jesus lamented.

And, you can be sure, He laments still. Even as the angels in heaven rejoice at a sinner's repentance, I am certain Jesus laments each time a man, woman, or child rejects Him and turns away from the kingdom. Now, if Jesus laments still for those who reject Him, how do you think we should react? For the Lord did not and does not lift His voice in a hopeless plaint to an unfeeling and impersonal cosmos, but to the gracious and loving Father. Every time someone ignores, rejects, shrugs off,or belittles our sharing the Gospel we should not feel discouraged, angry, or least of all, apathetic, but rather we should let our tears flow, and our lament rise up to the Father. That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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