Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jesus Thanked The Father

What Did Jesus Do?

I thank you, Father...
that you have revealed these things to little children.
Luke 10.21

Do you remember the story of the Emperor's new clothes? Some con-men schnookered a foolish emperor, and his entire kingdom of wise and understanding (But foolish and sycophantic) subjects, into believing the emperor was robed in splendor when in truth he didn't have a stitch on. The only one in the entire kingdom who really saw the truth was a young child. Hans Christian Andersen's story really isn't as silly as it sounds, because the world is full of “wise and understanding” people who cannot, or will not, see the truth. There were plenty of wise and understanding folks in Jesus' time who did not see what the Father revealed to the “little children” (Disciples) who followed the Lord. Jesus thanked His Father for the revelation given to His disciples, but hidden from the wise fools. If the truth of God's Word has been revealed to you, then you have very good reason to be thankful as well.

I don't know about you, but whenever someone tells me how wise and understanding they are after all their many years in ministry I know I am about to hear from someone who hasn't a clue about the truth. There was the minister with 30 years of experience who condescendingly tried to point out my error in believing that Jesus actually meant He was the only way to the Father in John 14.6. Then there was the pastor who told me that certainty is the enemy of truth for people of faith. How silly of me to believe that God's Word is the absolute revealed truth! I'll tell you what, after every encounter with such “wise and understanding” doctors of the Church I give thanks to the Father that he has made me a little child.

Jesus knew that eyes and ears that see and hear the Truth receive a gift from the Father that many prophets and kings longed for without ever seeing or hearing. (Luke 10.24) Of course, it is hard to see when one looks with blind eyes, and to hear when one listens with deaf ears. Sadly, the world is still full of “wise and understanding” people who are blind and deaf to the Truth. (See Matthew 13.10-17) It seems that the more “wisdom and understanding” one has, the less one perceives the Truth.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't want to come off sounding like that Pharisee who stood before God giving thanks that he wasn't like all the poor sinners around him. The only reason I am not blind and deaf to the Truth is that, unworthy as I am, the Father nonetheless is pleased to give me eyes to see and ears to hear his Word and believe. Thank you, Father, for your Son, through whom I have become your child! The Son's thankfulness in Luke 10 wasn't just for the “little children” gathered around Him beside the sea of Galilee, He thanked the Father for all the children, like you and me, who would receive the revelation of the Truth from the Father.

There is so much we can and should be thankful for, but at the top of the list must come thanks for the revelation of the Truth of God's Word in Christ. Give thanks for being a believing child of the Father, rather than being a wise and understanding fool. That's what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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