Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jesus Offered True Spiritual Food and Drink

What Did Jesus Do?

“Whoever feeds on this will live forever.”
John 6.58

There was a time in the ancient world when Christians, that strange sect, were suspected of cannibalism because they would regularly come together to celebrate a meal of the flesh and blood of their Savior. Indeed, the audience in the synagogue of Capernaum wondered if Jesus was in fact trying to literally give them his flesh to eat (John 6.52). While it would be tragically necessary for the Lord to offer up his corporeal body on the cross for the remission of our sins, the “true food” and “true drink” which nourish unto true and eternal life constitute a spiritual meal.

All life comes from the living Father. As the Father sent the Son, full of life, into the world, so all whom the Father calls to life come to the Son and live (John 6.57). The food and drink which sustain the physical body are perishable, they neither last nor nourish forever. But the true spiritual food and drink, which can only be received by faith, is imperishable and nourishes the body, soul, and spirit forever (John 6.58).

Historically, it was well understood that the bread eaten by the ancestors of the Jews during their wilderness sojourn did not sustain for long those who ate it. In fact, the entire generation which had been rescued from bondage in Egypt perished in the wilderness, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, who alone had been found faithful. By contrast, all who eat the true spiritual food offered by Jesus will never die (John 6.54).

Similarly, the blood of countless animals, sacrificed year after year, could never remove the stain of sin (Hebrews 10.4). But the one-time shedding of the blood of Christ counts as atonement for sin now and forever (Hebrews 10.14). The true spiritual drink gives life to all who drink it, for all who drink it abide in the living Son of the Father (John 56).

To be sure, the Church must be concerned with the feeding of those who are perishing from lack of food and water. Yet, all will die, well fed or starving, who do not receive the true food and true drink Jesus offers. Unless the little lambs and the sheep of Christ's flock are fed and continually nourished, they shall surely perish, and any claim of ours that we love the Lord is empty (see John 21.15-18).

It is essential that Word and Sacrament be offered to all who hunger and thirst. Offering true food and true drink is what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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