Friday, March 4, 2011

Jesus Spoke Words of Life

What Did Jesus Do?

“The Words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
John 6.63b

You have probably heard the saying, “Like water rolling off a duck's back.” The saying is based on the observation that, while we might expect a quacker paddling around on a pond all day to get water-logged and sink, oil in their feathers repels the water, which—rolls off a duck's back. In a similar way, but with far more serious consequences, ears that were spiritually deaf repelled the life-giving words spoken by Jesus, they simply could not listen to them (John 6.60).

Not that all that Jesus said was easy to listen to. Most of us would naturally struggle as to what in the world someone meant if he told us that his flesh and his blood were to be food and drink to us, Hannibal Lecter being a notable exception. In truth, there is no way for anyone to make sense of many of the words Jesus spoke, they are practically a foreign language that needs interpreting. Fortunately, the Father provides an interpreter—the Holy Spirit.

While our flesh is hopelessly confused and frustrated in trying to sort out the meaning of the Lord's words—Jesus plainly said the flesh is useless (John 6.63a) for such a task—the Holy Spirit unlocks the truth of all that Christ said, with the result that we can hear, receive, and benefit from words which in fact give life, and life eternal. Unlike ducks which are all born with the water-repelling oil in their feathers, people are not born with ears to hear and understand the words of life. Some cannot, will not, ever believe. Only those who are drawn to the Son by the Father can truly come to Jesus. Only those to whom the Father gives the Holy Spirit have life.

None of us can tell, though Jesus knows (John 6.64), who can or will hear the words of life, and who will not. This is why it is imperative that the words be proclaimed to all, so that those do who have ears to hear may receive the Gospel. Neither can any of us predict when and where the Father will grant to someone the gift of hearing, for the first time as it were, the life-giving words. For this reason we should be prepared at all times and in all places to share the good news. At home, at work, at school, at play, the gift of the Spirit may be bestowed at any time, at any place. And, it must not be overlooked, there are even many people sitting in a pew week after week who are spiritually deaf as a post. So pastors must make sure that the Gospel is faithfully proclaimed each and every Sunday, for they never know when a long-time member of their congregation may, for the first time, actually hear and respond to the words of life. Not infrequently, faith comes with hearing and understanding one of the Lord's “hard sayings.” Hard saying or easy, in every case it is the agency of the Holy Spirit which gives the hearing.

Here's the thing. Just about all of us will speak countless words today to various audiences (family, co-workers, neighbors, students, even strangers). How many of these words we speak will be words of life? You see, what we say matters more than we can imagine, at times being the difference between life and death. Jesus spoke words of life. We should too.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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