Friday, March 11, 2011

Jesus Stood Against The Flood

What Did Jesus Do?

If it had not been the LORD who was on our side—
then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us,
then over us would have gone the raging waters.
Psalm 124.1,4-5

Floodwaters are one of humanity's most ancient enemies. Think back to Noah, when a flood all but wiped away humankind from the earth. Today's headlines reveal that we are about as vulnerable to the ravages of raging water as were our ancestors. Thankfully, Jesus, the Rock, stood against the flood, and still keeps the waters from sweeping us away.

I remember back in 1999 when I was in Honduras on a mission to help with the recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Mitch. While there I had a bit of a disagreement with one of the other pastors on the mission team. In response to the Honduran's despairing cries of “La tierra fue”, “The earth went!”, sweeping away villages, homes, family members, my colleague told the grief stricken people that Jesus had been there to share in their experience of being overcome by the waters and the landslides. I, on the other hand, told the people that Jesus was the Rock who stands against the flood, who holds fast when the earth beneath our feet moves.

Jesus is not a man who is swallowed up by calamity along with us, but the Son of God who overcomes all our enemies—floods, landslides, fires, and even earthquakes and tsunamis. The tragedy of what has happened in Japan today is severely compounded by the fact that only about one per cent of Japan's population is Christian. As earthquake, tsunami, flood, and fire rage against their land, ninety-nine out of one hundred Japanese have literally nothing to hold onto.

Even as I first heard the shocking news this morning, and prayed, “Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!” my heart was burdened even more because I knew so few of Japan's people have Jesus to turn to. I believe it is safe to say that Japan has not faced a national trauma of this scope since the Second World War. The suffering and need there will be staggering. As Christians, our compassionate response to Japan's tragedy, both by sending aid, and by going and working to help rebuild the land, can show them that the Father is with them, that the Son is on their side, at their side. And that the help they most desperately need is to be found in the name of the maker of heaven and earth.

Father, may your Risen Son be lifted up in Japan, that his grace and mercy may shed glorious light and bring unshakable hope to the Land of the Rising Sun. By your Holy Spirit compel many Christians to shower the love of Jesus down upon these stricken people by prayer, by sending relief aid, and by going to help rebuild homes, communities, and lives. Amen.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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