Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jesus Completed The Mission

What Did Jesus Do?

Jesus said, “It is finished.”
John 19.30

Jesus had stated quite clearly to Pontius Pilate that he had come for a very definite and specific purpose, “to bear witness to the truth.” (John 18.37) In point of fact, Christ’s entire life was that very thing—a witness, or testimony, to the truth about the Father, the Father’s Word, and the Father’s Kingdom. Every thought, word, and deed of the Son was a part of his life-long mission to bear witness. Now, on the cross, Jesus, having completed the mission the Father had given him, relinquished his life and surrendered his spirit into the Father’s hands (See Luke 23.46).

I, on the other hand, my life span already nearly doubling the Lord’s, expect I’ll be around for quite some time yet. Have you seen the bumper sticker, bumper stickers seem to be where the most profound wisdom is found these days, that says, “God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things, and right now I’m so far behind I believe I shall never die!” Pushing sixty as hard as I am, I believe I am not close to completing my mission, which begs the question, hadn’t I better get busy?

Certainly, being a follower of Jesus involves more than, well, just following. Following Jesus of course means pursuing a life of discipleship, of seeking to live after the example of the Lord. Whatever this may entail along the way, it seems to me that, at the end, one should be in a position to say, as Jesus did with respect to his life’s mission, it is finished. When drawing our last breath we don’t want to have to try and make some excuse for not accomplishing the tasks the Father has given to us as followers of his Son. I know, having lived this long already, that I won’t have the nerve to tell the Father that I needed more time. “Well, Jim, I’ve already given you about six decades, just how much time did you think you’d have?”

It seems to me that, as Christ’s disciples, we need first of all to be clear about his/our mission, and then we need to get on with it. With ample allowances for just how we go about our individual callings, I believe all who follow Jesus are, like him, put here on earth to bear witness to the truth. Christ himself said as much of us, “and you will be my witnesses.” (Acts 1.8) I think that’s pretty clear, don’t you? And, certainly, if we are in the least unsure about our mission, we have only to consult God’s Word, along with conversing with him in prayer, to clear up any doubts.

Understanding our mission, then, we should commence to begin, as it were, to offer our testimony to the world. There is no such thing as a secret witness. Lights are not intended to be hidden under a basket, but to be lifted up so that they may shine before others (See Matthew 5.15-16). Jesus, the Light of the World, let his light shine right to the very end, when he completed his mission. Our little lights need to shine on too.

The mission of a life is accomplished one day at a time. The mission of a day is accomplished one hour at a time. The mission of an hour is accomplished one minute at a time. And the mission of a minute is accomplished in the moment. Moment by moment, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year bear witness to the truth, and we will have completed our mission. That’s what Jesus did.


Marion, NC
Ps 37.4

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