Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jesus Poured Out New LIfe As He Poured Out His Life

What Did Jesus Do?

Jesus Poured Out New Life As He Poured Out His Life

But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear,
and at once there came out blood and water.
John 19.34

Jesus surrendered his mortal life on the cross; the shedding of his blood was the ebbing of his life (For the connection between the life of the flesh, and the blood see Genesis 9.4). Literally, the giving up of Christ’s precious blood was the offering of his life for ours. Jesus poured out new life as he poured out his life.

Think about it. Water and blood flowed from his pierced side, they showered down from the cross. And, from that moment forward, all who have been washed in the water of baptism, and cleansed by the atoning blood of forgiveness, have received new and everlasting life. Jesus Poured out new life as he poured out his life.

Scripture does not record anything further about the soldier who wielded the spear, so I warn you that some of what I am about to say is conjecture. In the Letter for the Philippians, Paul uses several terms to describe a man who had been sent by the church in Philippi to visit him in Rome. This man was to Paul a brother, a fellow worker, a fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need (See Philippians 2.25). The man’s name was Epaphroditus, a pagan name associated with the goddess Aphrodite. Epaphroditus was a Gentile convert to the faith.

What if Epaphroditus had really been a soldier, a Roman soldier? What if Epaphroditus had served in Palestine? What if Epaphroditus had been the legionnaire who wielded the spear that pierced the Lord’s side? Could the conversion of Epaphroditus have occurred right then and there at the foot of the cross, as the water and the blood that flowed from the side of Jesus gave new life to a soldier who would go on to serve faithfully in the ranks of the Lord’s army? Jesus poured out new life as he poured out his life.

This, as I said, is all conjecture on my part. But we do know beyond any doubt that the life the Lord surrendered he gave for the salvation of many. There is, as the song goes, power in the blood! For two thousand years countless millions have been bathed in the precious blood of Jesus, dying to sin so that they might live for him. Jesus poured out life, new and everlasting life, as he poured out his life.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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