What Did Jesus Do?
“My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.”
John 4.34
Most people don’t think very highly of a yes-man. Typically they’re despised for being a flunky, a pushover, a stooge. Let’s face it, there’s something sick about being sycophantic (fawning, servile). But we all have very good reason to be thankful that Jesus was a yes-man. From the beginning, when God said, “Let there be light,” it was the Son’s unwavering practice to say “Yes” to whatever the Father said.
When the Father said, “Let there be sun, moon, and stars” Jesus said “Yes.” When the Father said, “Let there be the sky above and the seas below” Jesus said “Yes.” When the Father said, “Let there be dry land” Jesus said “Yes.” When the Father said, “Let the sky, the sea, and the land be filled with living creatures” Jesus said “Yes.” When the Father said, “Let us make man in our own image, male and female” Jesus said “Yes.”
Saying “Yes” to the Father was so important to the Son that it literally nourished him as food nourishes our bodies. Which leads me to observe that there are more than a few malnourished Christians in the world today who could stand to improve their diet by saying “Yes” to the will of God on a far more regular and consistent basis. I know I would benefit from more of this heavenly “health food” in my daily diet.
And yet, there were some things that Jesus said “Yes” to that were, well, kind of hard to swallow, so to speak. Think about it. “Son, I need you to give up your place at my side for a time. I want you to humble yourself and go down to the earth and become one of them.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” “You will not be born in a palace, but in a stable. Your mother will not be a powerful queen or rich woman, but a modest girl; your father will be but a carpenter.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” “You will grow up to undertake a ministry that will offend many, confuse others, but will save all who belong to me.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” “You will face opposition, rejection, desertion, and denial.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” “You will allow yourself to be seized by violent men who will abuse you and beat you.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” “You will bear a cross, have your hands and feet cruelly pierced by nails, and die a gruesome death in order that sinners should be saved.” And Jesus said, “Yes.” Finally, the Father said, “And, after three days in the tomb, I will call you to rise and come forth, that the redeemed may follow you into new and eternal life.” And Jesus said, “Yes!”
The thing is, contrary to much popular opinion, God is not silent today. His Word speaks today, He speaks today, if the world would but listen, if we would but listen. And, listening, we would be amazed at how nourishing and satisfying, how helpful and hopeful, how blessed it is to say, “Yes.” That’s what Jesus did.
Marion, NC
PS 37.4
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
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