Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jesus Brought References

What Did Jesus Do?

“I saw the Spirit descend on him...he who me sent said, '...this is the one...'”
John 1.32-33

I've been shopping around my resume for some time now, and, as you would expect, it lists my education and work history. Of course, since I am contacting strangers who don't know me, I could put down on paper almost anything, though I do prefer to stick to the truth. But down at the bottom of the page is a line that reinforces what I've stated above, “References Available Upon Request.” Folks do not have to go on my word, and what my resume claims, they can confirm it by contacting people who can testify to the record. When Jesus began his earthly ministry he also brought references.

It is once thing to make a claim about yourself, and another to have that claim authenticated by an authority or witness. It is even more convincing when, before you introduce yourself, your references make it known who you are. Jesus was a stranger to John the Baptist, “I myself did not know him” (John 1.31a), one of a throng who came to him at the Jordan to be baptized. Though John was baptizing specifically in order to prepare Israel to receive the Christ (v. 31b), he himself could not point out the man who ranked before him. But Jesus brought references.

For as Jesus rose from the waters of the river John saw the Holy Spirit come down from heaven, as a dove descending, and alight and remain on the Lord (See Matthew 3.16-17; Mark 1.10-11). Now, John had been baptizing many people, but the Spirit had not come and remained with any other. There was visual confirmation that he who John and all Israel had been waiting for had indeed come. Jesus brought references.

Seeing may be believing, but sometimes we even doubt our eyes. Even as John might have blinked a couple of times to make sure of what he was seeing, he also received voice confirmation. You see, John knew the voice of the Father, for it was the Father who had sent John ahead of the Son, to baptize and make ready the people of God. When that familiar voice spoke to him, “He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit,” John knew for certain that he was indeed looking upon the Son of God. When Jesus came, he brought references.

The thing is, there are still many people in the world who need to get to know Jesus personally. Yes, a lot of folks know something about him, but they don't know him. And this is where references are still important. Those of us who know the Lord are the only ones who can truly introduce him to others. We alone can speak with authority and sincerity about who Jesus is and what he has done, and what he is doing. Some “references” we might know as missionaries, others we may call evangelists. But most of Christ's references have no special title, they are just folks like you and me, who have seen and heard, and who personally know, Jesus.

Jesus is looking to meet some people today. He just might want to use us as references. When Jesus seeks out someone he never goes alone, he always brings references. Are we ready? It is a good idea to take some time at the beginning of every day to pray about what we will say to another about the Lord. Will we be ready with our reference for Jesus when someone asks us?


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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