What Did Jesus Do?
“I am the voice of one crying out...'Make straight the way of the Lord'”
John 1.23
It was an anxiously curious and concerned group of priests and Levites which had been sent out from Jerusalem to check into the disturbance along the banks of the river Jordan. Finding a rather wild and unkempt (See Mark 1.6), and unknown, man baptizing crowds, the investigative delegation inquired, “Who are you?” The man was, of course, John the Baptist. And John apparently had something of his cousin's gift for perceiving the hearts of men, because without being asked he confessed, “I am not the Christ.” Though they had not said anything about the Christ, it was obvious, at least to John, what, or, more properly, who, the panel from Jerusalem was looking for—the long anticipated Messiah.
If not the Christ, John, “What then?” It was expected that Elijah would return before the coming of the Messiah, perhaps...? “I am not.” Hmmm, maybe the Prophet... ”No.” The priests and Levites had apparently run out of guesses. Not the Christ. Not Elijah. Not the Prophet. Then, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” Just so you know, “those who sent” the committee of inquiry out to the Jordan were the Pharisees (John 1.24).
John's reply, “I am the voice of one crying out...” identified him as a herald, an official royal messenger whose job was to be a forerunner, a bearer of tidings. Indeed, John had such a message, “Make straight the way of the Lord!” If John was a herald, well and good, but what business had a herald baptizing anyone? The poor deputies from Jerusalem were at a complete loss.
But the time had come to make that “straight way” for the Lord. The thing was, Christ's objective was not Jerusalem. His goal was not to establish a new political state in Palestine. Jesus had one target, the hearts of men and women. His destination was a throne within the human breast, not a palace. And John's role as herald was to do what he could to prepare hearts for Jesus to enter straight into them. Hence the baptism of repentance. Jesus required a herald.
It no doubt shocked the deputation that had come out to have a look around, to hear that the Christ already stood among that very throng, and they did not recognize him, could not recognize him, for they were looking for a great king in fine raiment, surrounded by a splendid retinue. All they could see was a rabble in the wilderness, listening to a wild man, who very likely was crazy. What kind of king would require a herald like this? But, John was the herald Jesus required.
It did not matter to John in the least what his questioners from Jerusalem thought. He had a job to do, announcing the arrival of the King, and baptizing people that they might prepare to receive the Lord. Jesus required a herald, and he was John.
Not recognizing the Christ in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Jews still await the coming of their Messiah. But Christians know that the King has come. And they know that he is coming again, which is why the voices of heralds are still required to cry out to people, that they may receive him. In fact, the King is quite prepared to come and take up his throne in the hearts of men, women, and children every day. So every day the messengers of the King need to let their voices be heard. Jesus still requires heralds, and they are us.
Marion, NC
PS 37.4
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