Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jesus Gave to All Who Believed (Those Who Believed Received)

What Did Jesus Do?

...he gave the right to become children of God...
John 1.12

I have never been to pro football's Hall of Fame in Canton, OH, though I have driven past it many times (I used to live in the Akron area). It occurs to me that in the HoF, where greats of the game are enshrined, there should be at least one receiver, probably more than one, for every quarterback. Why? Because it doesn't matter how great an arm you have if nobody on your team has great hands. Throwing the ball 50-60 yards or more does the team little good if there is no one on the other end of the pass who can catch it.

From Heaven the Father “passed” the Son to the world, and the world dropped the ball, so to speak, “his own did not receive him.” (John 1.11) It wasn't a matter of inaccuracy on the part of the Father. Many times a quarterback will overthrow the tight end. Or the ball will be behind the slot back. Maybe the timing with the split end will be just a little off and the ball just falls to the ground. But the Father put the Son exactly where he needed to be at exactly the right moment. Jesus was right there for the world, all the world had to do was receive him, and it did not.

There was a receiver in the NFL years ago who was famous for catching just about everything thrown his way. It didn't matter if the ball was high or low, or in front or behind of him, Fred Biletnikoff would grab it. Over the years a little secret leaked out—Fred's hands and forearms were lathered in stick-um. Biletnikoff might have been able to hold onto a greased watermelon if Kenny Stabler had been able to throw one his way. This is not to say that the HoF receiver was not sure-handed, he was exceptionally so. But he also had an edge, something special that enabled him to catch what came to him.

While the world, and many in it, did not receive Jesus, something special was given to some, that they might receive and hold on to Christ forever. It wasn't stick-um, but it worked in similar fashion in that it made it possible for us to receive the Lord. That special something? Faith. All who believed in his name received the Son. But many did not believe Jesus even when they met him and heard him, and many do not believe in him still. And, no believing—no receiving.

For those who did receive him, to the “believers and receivers,” Jesus, the Word, gave a new identity. From the moment they believed and received people became children of God, sons and daughters of the Father, blessed brothers and sisters of the Son. And something far better than a hall of fame awaits all believers and receivers—the Son has gone on and prepared a place for us in the Father's house, that where he is, we should be also (John 14.1-3), in the eternal “end zone,” if you will. Touchdown!

There will be a lot of players on the field, and many fans in the stands and in front of millions of televisions, all caught up in the excitement of the NFL playoffs the next several weeks. Many voices will exult over some great receptions (As a Giants fan I whooped and hollered when Eli Manning's pass miraculously stuck to the helmet of David Tyree in Super Bowl XLII. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlights/09000d5d8067d05e/SB-XLII-Can-t-Miss-Play-Eli-miracle ). But there is no greater celebration in Heaven than when someone receives Jesus.

If I had the money I would get thousands of footballs printed with a testimony and John 1.12, and I'd take them around to all the playoff locations and the Super Bowl. I'd have big trailers with passages of Scripture on the sides, and I'd recruit former NFL players who are Christians to go and toss the balls to fans, and to visit the locker rooms of the playoff teams. If some of those passes were caught that would really be exciting! You see, Jesus still gives to all who receive.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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