Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jesus Truly Enlightened

What Did Jesus Do?

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1.9

I can recall a movie I saw a long time ago about pirates who lured ships to destruction, so that they could help themselves to the cargo, by setting up false beacons on dangerous coasts. Ships and crews, unable out on a stormy sea to distinguish between the false light and the true beacon of a lighthouse that would lead them to port safely, sailed on to their destruction. While I have no idea what the title of the movie was, or who acted in it, the image of the false lights leading to destruction has remained distinct in my memory after more than forty years (Which is saying something considering my memory!). Most of us have heard plenty about Jesus as the “Light of the Word,” but probably not much by way of warning about the dangers of being lured by false lights. In truth, false lights are no better than darkness, and, when we think about it, actually worse. There is the remote chance someone might stumble safely through darkness, but when intentionally misled to their destruction, what hope is there?

That's why the Father had to sent the Son, the “true light,” into the world. Jesus came to enlighten everyone, but, sadly, many preferred, and continue to prefer, to remain in darkness, or to follow false lights, which admittedly can be quite attractive and convincing, even as they lead to destruction. Contrary to popular, and politically correct, dogma, there are not many paths to enlightenment, as least not to true enlightenment. Jesus is the only path, the only way, as he himself declared in John 14.6.

I believe the most frightening false lights, the ones that are most pernicious, are those that shine from pulpits filled by preachers who use a “loose-leaf” Bible. Acculturated and accommodating doctrine takes the plumb-line of God's Word and makes it “user friendly,” cutting, trimming, and shaping to fashion an attractive and comfortable message appealing to the widest demographic. What's so dangerous about this is, it is only by knowing the Word that anyone can discern the true light from all false lights. Equipping people with an adulterated or truncated Gospel is deadly, and all the more so because folks will go sailing along with with a false sense of security based on the seductive beacon of false lights.

Do not be fooled, Jesus, and only Jesus, the Jesus of the bible, revealed by the Holy Spirit is the only light that enlightens. Steer away from any and all others!


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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