Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jesus Preceded

What Did Jesus Do?

“He who comes after me ranks before me,
because he was before me.”
John 1.15

John the Baptist did not need to take a backseat to anyone. After all, Jesus himself declared that among the human race (“those born of woman”) there had arisen “none greater” than John (Matthew 11.11). But John himself knew that there was One born of woman, but not of man, who outranked him. John may have been the chosen prophet to go before the Lord, crying out in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,” but the Baptist also knew that, though Jesus came after him, Jesus preceded him.

John the Baptist knew that the Word, now made flesh, had been around from the beginning. He had come, not just before John, but before everything. He is the great “I Am” (John 8.58), the “Alpha” (Revelation 1.8), “the first” (Revelation 1.17), “through whom all things came” (1Corinthians 8.6), through whom the Father made the universe (See Hebrews 1.2), and who was “before all things” (Colossians 1.17). Jesus preceded everything.

The thing is, since Jesus preceded all things he alone should hold first place, should “rank before” everything, most especially in the lives of those he came to save. John the Baptist certainly realized that Jesus was before all, and to be exalted above all. But how many today “bump” Jesus from the place that is his alone, and put someone or something, even many things, before Christ in their life? This is nothing but idolatry. If Jesus does not take precedence, if he and his kingdom do not precede all other priorities in our life, then, quite simply, our life is out of order.

Is it any wonder that we see so many troubled lives, dysfunctional families, suffering communities, and, let's be honest, are witnessing what may well be the collapse of our nation, when Jesus not only doesn't come first, but has been intentionally removed altogether? No economic stimulus, no health care reform, no new legislation or policies can right a country that has purposely removed Jesus from first rank in all things.

The Baptist wasn't being humble, and his declaration that Jesus outranked him, so to speak, was not for his personal benefit, but for all of Israel to hear and acknowledge. And the Church's proclamation must echo John's, so that the whole world may hear and acknowledge that there is no one and no thing that ranks before Christ.

Perhaps most importantly Jesus, the firstborn among the dead (Colossians 1.18), has preceded in Resurrection glory all who will, in and through him, conquer death. Our hope and assurance is that, in life and in death, Jesus has preceded us.


Marion, NC
PS 37.4

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